Personal assistant &
Property manager

Personal assistant & Property manager

Personal assistant & Property manager

Other services

Other services

Communication with authorities and local companies

Administrative support

Car services, including inspection (ITV)

Shopping services

Mail services: collect and forward your mail

All other services on demand

Our work, support and services will be invoiced on the basis of hourly rate.

Other services

Communication with authorities and local companies

Administrative support

Car services, including inspection (ITV)

Shopping services

Mail services: collect and forward your mail

All other services on demand

Our work, support and services will be invoiced on the basis of hourly rate.

Other services

Communication with authorities and local companies

Administrative support

Car services, including inspection (ITV)

Shopping services

Mail services: collect and forward your mail

All other services on demand

Our work, support and services will be invoiced on the basis of hourly rate.
